Darlene Christopher, CPTD, is a Senior Knowledge Knowledge & Learning Officer for The World Bank in Washington, DC, where she directs regional learning programs for staff and provides technical leadership on distance learning programs for international government institutions. She has been designing and delivering virtual training programs for global audiences for over nine years and has authored numerous articles on virtual training including contributions to the ATD Handbook, Road Tested, SCORE! for Webinar Training, and the 2012 Pfeiffer Annual Training. Darlene served as the Advisory Chair for the 2013 ASTD TechKnowledge Conference, is a regular speaker at ASTD national and local events and served on the board as the Director of Virtual Programs for the Metro DC Chapter of ASTD from 2008-2011. Previously, Darlene held technology development and management positions at Disney Internet Group, 3Com, and Nextel. Darlene holds a Master’s degree in International Management from the Monterey Institute of International Studies and a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish from the University of California, Davis. Darlene blogs at DarleneChristopher.com and you can follow her on Twitter at @darlenec.