e-Book Review: Getting Started with Synchronous e-Learning

The e-Learning Guild recently published an e-Book by Patti Shank entitled: Getting Started with Synchronous e-Learning. This 48-page research report is based on a survey conducted by the eLearning Guild with over 3,000 respondents.

The report includes an interpretation of the survey data with a range of tables and charts. If you are trying to determine which synchronous e-learning (also referred to as virtual classroom) tool to purchase, there is an analysis of the top vendors, including the top applications by used by organizations based on their size and industry affiliation.

Intertwined with the data analysis are definitions, tips and best practices for designers and facilitators. If you are trying to learn synchronous e-learning facilitation techniques, Shank provides presentation tips and examples including screen shots of various virtual classroom activities.

Finally, if you want to dive deeper into the world of synchronous training, the report concludes with a generous list of references and resources.  This report is a quick read and well worth the time to see current research and pick up a few tips on for successful synchronous e-learning.  Access to the report is provided to Guild Members, Member Plus, or Premium Members.

Disclosure:  I am a member of the e-Learning Guild