Facilitation Dream Team

The content and complexity of your web conference will determine the facilitation team needed. In general, you need a facilitator and a producer to carry out key tasks such as:
Facilitator Role

    • Main speaker, subject matter expert.
  • Advances slides. Engages audience verbally.
  • Not active in chat. Comments verbally on what others type.
  • Comments on poll results.
  • Leads and debriefs exercises.

Producer Role

    • Web conferencing expert. May or may not be familiar with subject.
  • Explains technical features. May kick off and conclude the session.
  • Active in chat. Engages audience by posting and responding to questions/comments. Prompts facilitator to address chat questions. Types key messages to reinforce learning as facilitator speaks.
  • Opens/closes polls.
  • Explains how exercises will run.

What does your faciliation dream team look like?