ELearning Web Sites

It’s a new year and a great time to set goals. One of mine is to keep my finger on the pulse of what’s going on in the e-learning industry. I’ve compiled a list of useful e-learning websites, many with free newsletters that may be of use.

Association for Talent Development
World’s largest organization dedicated to workplace learning and performance professionals. Learning Circuits is ASTD’s online e-learning source for the latest learning technology news and ideas. Go to ASTD home > Publications > Learning Circuits.

Brandon Hall Research
Independent research on e-learning trends, best practices, tools and vendors.

Chief Learning Officer Magazine
Articles on a variety of topics and trends in training, and is especially good for organizational issues and innovations in e-learning.

Distance Educator
Provides publications and research from education, corporate, government/military sectors and is a good site for current news in e-learning. Free weekly newsletter.

E-Learning Centre
Comprehensive portal of information on e-learning, covering key issues and links to key publications and reports.

E-Learning Guild
The Guild provides a good source of surveys and reports on trends in e-learning. Different levels of membership provide access to different information, however the free membership level includes a subscription to Learning Solutions eMagazine and eLearning Insider.

Learning for International NGOs (LINGOS)
Mission is to facilitate the creation, development and support of learning environments in the humanitarian relief, development and environmental sector. Members gain access online courses and e-learning tools.

MASIE Center Learning Lab and Think Tank
Source of information on technology, business, learning and workplace productivity run by Elliot Masie. Free e-newsletter subscription called Learning TRENDS.

Society for Applied Learning (SALT)
SALT is a professional society that offers resources and conferences for those in the field of instructional technology. Sponsors three journals: Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, Journal of Interactive Instruction Development and Journal of Education Technology Systems.

A Consortium of Institutions and Organizations Committed to Quality Online Education. Publishes the Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks and the Sloan-C View, a free weekly newsletter.